Landing you metadata about me, so we can find each other across the internet.
I could spend hours over my lust for a good UI and color scheme.
Poor design sucks, for everyone. Navigating the web should require a sitemap or the geek squad. We need to treat design like way-finding, helping people get where they want to go through clear communication.
My relationship with programming, computers and nerds.
December 9, 2014: Github account created. January, 2016: Basic understanding of github, cofounding a FIRST Robotics club at my school changed my life. Fell in love with business, learning the deep intricacies of nerd culture and what drives people. Summer 2016: Actual understand of git.
After launching 2nd personal website realized CSS is more evil than I thought, but stylesheets are amazing.
Started learning about API’s and plugins. #WowWeek (There is a custom maps skin at the bottom of my landing page, special thanks to snazzymaps API.) Fall 2016: COLLEGE, to take an cyber security class so Edward and I can be long distance friends. October 2016: We have been hacking and hashing using python in our Introduction to Computing, Security..
One of my favorite things.
I listen to 40+ podcasts across the radio spectrum, to make up for a lack of diversity growing up in vanilla Utah.
Here's a few of my favorites with links to some of the best episodes!
Entrepreneurship is associated with industry experts, or college dropouts with the intelligence Eisenstein. These people are entrepreneurs, but they don't make up the majority.
I strive to be someone with grit who mitigates risk like a stock portfolio. I want to build relationships not customers and work with a team that’s motivated by a movement.